Unlock the Power of Command Line: Converting MIDI to MP3 with Custom Channel Levels
Image by Valka - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlock the Power of Command Line: Converting MIDI to MP3 with Custom Channel Levels

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Are you tired of dealing with MIDI files that refuse to play nicely with your favorite music player? Do you wish you could easily convert them to MP3s while also adjusting the channel levels to your liking? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to harness the power of the command line to convert MIDI to MP3, all while tweaking those pesky channel levels.

Why Use the Command Line?

Besides being a badge of honor for any self-respecting tech enthusiast, using the command line offers a level of precision and control that GUI tools simply can’t match. With the command line, you can automate tasks, batch process files, and even schedule conversions to run in the background while you’re busy doing more important things… like browsing cat videos.

Required Tools

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, make sure you have the following tools installed on your system:

  • timmidity: A high-quality MIDI-to-WAV converter
  • lame: A popular MP3 encoder
  • sox: A versatile audio processing tool

If you’re running a Linux-based system, you can install these tools using your distro’s package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you’d run:

sudo apt-get install timidity lame sox

Converting MIDI to WAV using Timidity

The first step in our journey is to convert the MIDI file to a WAV file using timmidity. This will allow us to work with the audio data more easily. Open a terminal and navigate to the directory containing your MIDI file:

cd /path/to/your/midi/file

Now, run the following command to convert the MIDI file to a WAV file:

timmidity -A 120 input.mid -o output.wav

In this command:

  • -A 120 sets the amplitude to 120, which is a good starting point for most conversions
  • input.mid is the input MIDI file
  • -o output.wav specifies the output file name and format (WAV)

Adjusting Channel Levels using Sox

With our WAV file in hand, we can now adjust the channel levels to our liking using sox. Let’s say we want to boost the volume of the left channel by 3 dB and reduce the volume of the right channel by 2 dB. We can use the following command:

sox output.wav -c 2 output_normalized.wav vol 0.75 1.25

In this command:

  • -c 2 specifies that we’re working with a stereo file (2 channels)
  • output.wav is the input file
  • output_normalized.wav is the output file
  • vol 0.75 1.25 adjusts the volume of each channel:
    • 0.75 reduces the volume of the left channel by 2 dB (0.75 = -2 dB)
    • 1.25 boosts the volume of the right channel by 3 dB (1.25 = +3 dB)

Encoding to MP3 using Lame

Finally, we’ll use lame to encode our normalized WAV file to an MP3. Run the following command:

lame -V 2 --tt "My Cool Song" output_normalized.wav output.mp3

In this command:

  • -V 2 sets the encoding quality to level 2 (medium-high quality)
  • --tt "My Cool Song" sets the title tag for the MP3 file
  • output_normalized.wav is the input file
  • output.mp3 is the output file

Putting it all Together

Now that we’ve covered each step individually, let’s combine them into a single command. This will convert the MIDI file to an MP3, adjusting the channel levels along the way:

timmidity -A 120 input.mid -o temp.wav && sox temp.wav -c 2 temp_normalized.wav vol 0.75 1.25 && lame -V 2 --tt "My Cool Song" temp_normalized.wav output.mp3 && rm temp.wav temp_normalized.wav

This command uses the && operator to chain each step together, ensuring that each command only runs if the previous one succeeds. The final rm command removes the temporary WAV files, leaving us with a shiny new MP3 file.

Tool Command Description
timmidity timmidity -A 120 input.mid -o temp.wav Convert MIDI to WAV
sox sox temp.wav -c 2 temp_normalized.wav vol 0.75 1.25 Adjust channel levels
lame lame -V 2 --tt "My Cool Song" temp_normalized.wav output.mp3 Encode to MP3


With these simple commands, you can now convert MIDI files to MP3s with custom channel levels using the power of the command line. No more tedious GUI tools or complicated software installations! Just remember to adjust the parameters to suit your specific needs, and you’ll be rocking out to your favorite MIDI tunes in no time.

Happy converting, and don’t forget to share your newfound knowledge with the world!

Frequently Asked Question

Need help converting MIDI files to MP3 while adjusting channel levels? We’ve got you covered!

What’s the command to convert MIDI to MP3 using FluidSynth?

You can use the following command: `fluidsynth -a alsa -l -i -t 5 /path/to/midi/file.mid /path/to/soundfont.sf2 -F /path/to/output.mp3`. This will convert your MIDI file to MP3 using the specified soundfont.

How do I adjust channel levels during MIDI to MP3 conversion?

You can use the `-g` option followed by the channel number and desired level (in dB) to adjust channel levels. For example, `-g 1=-3` will reduce the level of channel 1 by 3dB. You can adjust multiple channels by separating the values with commas.

What’s the difference between FluidSynth and Timidity++ for MIDI to MP3 conversion?

FluidSynth is a more modern and flexible MIDI synthesizer compared to Timidity++. FluidSynth supports more soundfonts and has better sound quality, while Timidity++ is more lightweight and easier to use. Choose FluidSynth for more advanced features and better sound quality, or Timidity++ for a simpler conversion process.

How do I specify the soundfont file for MIDI to MP3 conversion?

You can specify the soundfont file using the `/path/to/soundfont.sf2` syntax. Make sure to replace `/path/to/soundfont.sf2` with the actual path to your soundfont file. You can also use a default soundfont by omitting this parameter.

Can I batch convert multiple MIDI files to MP3 using a single command?

Yes, you can use a bash script or a tool like `midi2mp3` to batch convert multiple MIDI files to MP3. For example, you can use `midi2mp3 -b /path/to/midi/files/*.mid` to convert all MIDI files in the specified directory to MP3.

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