How to Save Emails Sent with Noticed Gem: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Save Emails Sent with Noticed Gem: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of losing track of important emails sent using the Noticed gem? Do you wish there was a way to save and refer back to them later? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to save emails sent with Noticed gem in a few easy steps.

What is Noticed Gem?

Before we dive into the tutorial, let’s take a quick moment to discuss what Noticed gem is and why it’s so useful.

Why Save Emails Sent with Noticed Gem?

So, why would you want to save emails sent with Noticed gem? Here are a few reasons:

  • Tracking sent emails: By saving emails, you can keep track of which emails were sent to whom and when. This can be especially useful for auditing and debugging purposes.

  • Referencing previous emails: Saving emails allows you to refer back to them later, which can be helpful if you need to recall specific details or reproduce issues.

  • Improving email quality: By reviewing saved emails, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your email templates and content.

Step 1: Set up a Database to Store Emails

To save emails sent with Noticed gem, you’ll need a database to store them in. You can use an existing database or create a new one specifically for this purpose.

For this example, we’ll assume you’re using a PostgreSQL database. Create a new table to store your emails using the following SQL command:

  to_email VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  subject VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

Step 2: Configure Noticed Gem to Save Emails

Next, you’ll need to configure Noticed gem to save emails to your database. In your Rails application, add the following code to your `config/initializers/noticed.rb` file:

Noticed.configure do |config|
  config.deliveries = ->(delivery) { Email.create!(to_email:, subject: delivery.subject, body: delivery.body) }

This code tells Noticed gem to create a new email record in your database each time an email is sent.

Step 3: Create an Email Model

To interact with your email database table, you’ll need to create an Email model in your Rails application. Create a new file called `app/models/email.rb` and add the following code:

class Email < ApplicationRecord

This code defines a simple Email model that inherits from ApplicationRecord.

Step 4: Test Your Setup

Now that you’ve set up your database and configured Noticed gem to save emails, it’s time to test your setup. In your Rails console, run the following code:

Noticed.deliver(to: '[email protected]', subject: 'Test Email', body: 'This is a test email.')

This code sends a test email using Noticed gem. If everything is set up correctly, you should see a new email record created in your database.

Step 5: View and Refer to Saved Emails

Finally, you can view and refer to saved emails in your Rails application. You can create a simple controller and view to list and display emails, or integrate email viewing into an existing interface.

Here’s an example of how you might create a simple email viewing interface:

# app/controllers/emails_controller.rb
class EmailsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @emails = Email.all

  def show
    @email = Email.find(params[:id])

# app/views/emails/index.html.erb
<% @emails.each do |email| %>
  <p><%= email.to_email %></p>
  <p><%= email.subject %></p>
  <p><%= email.body %></p>
<% end %>

# app/views/emails/show.html.erb
<h1><%= @email.subject %></h1>
<p><%= @email.to_email %></p>
<p><%= @email.body %></p>

With this setup, you can view a list of saved emails and click on each one to view the email details.


And that’s it! With these simple steps, you can save emails sent with Noticed gem and refer back to them later. By following this guide, you’ll be able to track sent emails, improve email quality, and enhance your overall email management experience.

Benefits of Saving Emails Description
Tracking sent emails Keep track of which emails were sent to whom and when
Referencing previous emails Refer back to previously sent emails for auditing, debugging, or quality improvement purposes
Improving email quality Identify areas for improvement and refine email templates and content

By saving emails sent with Noticed gem, you can take your email management to the next level. So, what are you waiting for? Start saving those emails today!

Frequently Asked Question

Saving sent emails with Noticed gem can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these frequently asked questions to learn how to do it like a pro.

How do I configure Noticed to save sent emails?

To configure Noticed to save sent emails, you need to set up an email delivery service like SendGrid, Mailgun, or SMTP. Then, in your Noticed configuration file, set `store_emails` to `true`. This will save a copy of each sent email to your database.

Where are the sent emails stored?

Sent emails are stored in the `noticed_emails` table in your database. Each email is saved as a separate record, making it easy to track and analyze your email communications.

Can I customize the email storage behavior?

Yes, you can customize the email storage behavior by overriding the `store_email` method in your Noticed configuration file. This allows you to customize the storage location, format, and more to fit your specific needs.

How do I retrieve saved emails?

You can retrieve saved emails using the `Noticed::Email` model. For example, you can use `Noticed::Email.all` to retrieve all saved emails or `Noticed::Email.find(email_id)` to retrieve a specific email by ID.

Can I delete saved emails?

Yes, you can delete saved emails using the `Noticed::Email` model. For example, you can use `Noticed::Email.destroy(email_id)` to delete a specific email by ID or `Noticed::Email.destroy_all` to delete all saved emails.

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